Organizing online information

All the information on a page may not get read simply because of the way it’s organized. Here’s an example of focusing a page to make it more useful to website visitors.

This was how the page was set up — well-intentioned, full of information, but too long and lacking any kind of structure that would help people understand their options with minimal effort in a reasonable amount of time.

I clarified with the client the true purpose of the page — to help people do literature searches. We used that as a page title instead (also eliminating the name of the organization, since it was in the banner of the page anyway). I separated the two kinds of searches that were available: DIY or pay to have the search done. With the re-structuring, a lot of redundancy and unnecessary text fell away, and people could get to what they wanted much more quickly and easily.

Need broader strategy for your entire website as well? I can help with that too. Check out my Web content strategy and information architecture services at Web-solutely.